
Sole trader - I made a mess



Messages count : 1
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Registration : 27 February 2020
Contact in PM

In 2019 I started a career as a freelance photographer and I realised five photographic services for a total amount of £1,130.00.

Since I was starting, my photographic expenses in terms of camera and lens (£676.97) and female designer outfits I used for my shootings (£4966.91) were very high, for a total amount of £5643.70.

I registered my self as a sole trader on January and I received the government gateway user ID, but the problem is that I haven’t fill the tax return for 2019 since I thought that I should have paid taxes on my second year, but reading online I just realised I was wrong.

Also, in the same period, I got £3,570.40 from sales on Ebay (personal items or objects I previously bought that I didn’t need anymore). For this sort of business did I have to pay taxes?

What should I go? Do you suggest me to hire a professional? How could I fix the situation?

Many thanks,


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